On the Subject of Light Grid

What do the numbers and letters mean, Charlie?!

The module consists of three main parts: a 4×4 grid of circular buttons each lit up in one of five possible colors: white, red, yellow, green, or blue; a set of 16 square alphanumeric labels surrounding the grid of buttons; and a large button (“Enter Key”) above the grid labeled with one of the following: “end”, “done”, “test”, “check”, “enter”, “ready”, “defuse”, “finish”, “submit”, “verify”, “transmit”, or “deactivate.”

Press anything that is only one of a:

  1. white button that is exactly a Manhattan distance of 3 away from a B, M, Q, S, or X;
  2. red button that is a knight’s move away from a K, N, I, G, H, or T;
  3. yellow button directly next to another blue button, not including diagonals (unless its row or column contains a label whose contents are included in the bomb’s serial number, in which case only diagonals count);
  4. green button on a row without any other green buttons nor an even number;
  5. red button whose right, bottom, and bottom-right neighbors form the colors of the Windows XP logo (i.e. green, blue, and yellow, respectively);
  6. blue button whose row and column have at least 3 labels containing a digit;
  7. white button on a column labeled with an even number (unless the Enter Key has a label that is 5 letters or shorter, then replace “even” with “odd”);
  8. red button that diagonally neighbors a label with a letter included in the bomb’s serial number;
  9. green button not on the same row or column as a letter that is not one of A, E, I, O, or U (unless the Enter Key has a label containing the letter D, in which case replace “green” with “yellow”);
  10. yellow button on the same row or column as one or more of L, N, R, S, or T, but not on the same row or column as one E or more;
  11. green button on the same row or column as exactly one letter whose Morse Code representation takes an equal number of time units as the letter S;
  12. blue button whose row contains a letter and the number it represents in a phone number (e.g. one label that says 2 and another that says one of A, B, or C);
  1. white button whose column contains a letter and the number it represents in a phone number (e.g. one label that says 2 and another that says one of A, B, or C);
  2. red button on the same row or column as a digit or letter whose ASCII code point is a prime number;
  3. yellow button that orthogonally borders a label containing a letter with the same shape as a Greek letter (A, B, E, H, I, K, M, N, O, P, T, X, Y, or Z);
  4. green button on the same row or column as both the letter O and the digit 0, or both the letter I and the digit 1, but not both of these pairs;
  5. yellow button that orthogonally borders both a blue button and a label that says one of the letters on the Enter Key (unless the Enter Key has an even number of characters, in which case replace “yellow” with “green” and “blue” with “red”);
  6. blue button that is at least a Manhattan distance of 4 away from a label with a letter that is not one of A, E, I, O, or U (unless at least 3 labels on the module have letters or digits included in the bomb’s serial number, in which case Y is also excluded);
  7. white button on the same diagonal as exactly two digits that share no common divisors;
  8. red button on the same diagonal as exactly one of the digits 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, or 9 (unless the bomb’s serial number contains at least one of those digits, in which case ignore this rule altogether);
  9. yellow button on the same column as an R and on the same row as one or more of S, D, or G;
  10. green button on the same row as an R or an F, and on the same column as a C or a P (unless the Enter Key is labeled with a word with only one type of vowel letter, in which case also apply the rule to white and blue buttons);
  11. blue button without any other white button on the same row nor on the same column;
  12. or white button on the same diagonal as a label that matches either the initial or the number of letters in the name of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (i.e. 7, 8, 9, D, L, M, or R),

then finally press the Enter Key.

Pressing a button that fulfills less or more than one of these conditions, pressing the same button more than once, or pressing the Enter Key before all the necessary buttons have been pressed will invoke a strike.